A scientific approach to beauty & proactive aging 

Venus Legacy™ & Venus Viva™ | It doesn’t have to hurt to be beautiful

The beauty of anti-aging medicine is that treatments and technologies continue to evolve for improved results with less discomfort and recovery time. At Preventous Cosmetic Medicine, we strive to provide our patients with gold-standard devices that deliver effective, comfortable and safe treatments.

Venus VivaVenus Legacy

We’re excited to share that we have added two new devices to our anti-aging toolbox. The Venus Viva and Venus Legacy.

The Venus Viva can address the signs of aging, including pore size, textural irregularities, acne scars, deep lines and folds, neck lines and lax skin.
By combining NanoFractional Radiofrequency and SmartScan technologies, the Venus Viva can both resurface and rebuild the skin with little to no down time. Results are noticeable after treatment, however, a series of 3 to 4 treatments is optimal for skin that is smoother, clearer and tighter. Full results are realized after 6 to 12 months when the new collagen resulting from the treatment has been fully synthesized.

Venus Legacy Venus Viva beautyThe Venus Legacy can tighten skin, reduce wrinkles and address body contouring concerns such as cellulite and circumferential reduction.

Using multi-polar radiofrequency combined with pulsed magnetic fields, the Venus Legacy is able to deliver energy into specific depths of the skin, activating a thermal response to increase circulation and regeneration of connective tissue. The sensation of the treatment has been likened to a hot stone massage. The Venus Legacy can be used to address skin tightening, contouring and cellulite and circumferential reduction concerns with no discomfort or down-time. Visible results can be seen in as little as one treatment, however a series of 6 treatments are recommended for the face and 8 treatments for the body. Multiple treatments provide optimal results and continued improvements.

Both the Venus Viva and Venus Legacy treatment platforms can deliver beautiful results for a variety of cosmetic concerns without surgery, downtime or discomfort. The results speak for themselves.

Venus Viva BeforeVenus Viva After
Before After
Individual results may vary

Venus Legacy Arms Before 6 TreatmentsVenus Legacy Arms After 6 Treatments
Arms after 6 treatments
Before After
Individual results may vary

To learn more about these new technologies and how they can help you achieve your health and beauty goals, Preventous Cosmetic Medicine invites you to book a complimentary consultation. Call 403.229.0129 or email to request an appointment.


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