A scientific approach to beauty & proactive aging 

Reverse thinning hair naturally & effectively with PRP Hair Treatments

Due to our increased understanding of hair growth and loss, we have several treatment options available to both men and women.

Treatments can be used individually, but best results are achieved through combination therapy:

  • Medication: Finasteride (Propecia), Minoxidil (Rogaine)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Low Level Laser Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a great treatment option for hair loss and has been proven to increase hair count, hair thickness and the growth phase of the hair cycle. This treatment has become more popular around the world within the last few years and numerous physicians are utilizing this treatment to treat patients with hair thinning.

Your treatment

PRP hair rejuvenation therapy for hair regrowth is a multi-step process that typically takes less than an hour. Local topical anaesthetic can be applied to make the treatment more comfortable, although most patients tolerate it well. The treatment begins with a standard blood draw from the patient’s arm. Subsequently the blood which is drawn is placed into a centrifuge machine which spins the blood tube in order to separate the red blood cells from the plasma. Once this process is completed, the plasma, rich in platelets, is then skilfully injected by our highly trained physicians directly into the patient’s scalp at the hair follicles. Injections are performed across the scalp, approximately every half inch over the area of thinning hair. Treatments are typically performed once a month for the first three to four months, then every three to six months after. This largely depends on the way the patient responds and their results.

During your consultation, we will review your specific case and goals of treatment and recommend the appropriate treatment plan for you. Multiple treatment sessions may be necessary in order to achieve your aesthetic goals. Results may vary from patient to patient depending on the severity of hair loss.

Benefits of PRP

  • Regrow areas of thinning hair
  • There’s no risk of allergy or infection, because your own plasma is used
  • Add natural-looking fullness to your scalp
  • An effective alternative to hair transplant surgery
  • It provides a convenient alternative to daily medication and topical creams.
  • Achieve long lasting hair restoration results
  • Minimal Downtime

Side Effects

Fortunately there are limited side effects associated with PRP. Some patients may elect to choose to do the procedure without numbing however to minimize discomfort cool air or ice packs may be used together with Tylenol prior to treatment. Bruising may occur but will disappear within a week or two. PRP causes minimal downtime and you can return to your regular activities following treatment. Patients are sometimes recommend to have a warm shower as the hot temperature will enhance blood circulation throughout the scamp. Patients however will be advised to forego typical hair treatments such as coloring, processing or blowdrying for a day or two.


Following the treatment process, patients can expect to see results within two to three months. Patients will initially notice decreased hair shedding followed by early regrowth and increased length of the hair. The general consensus is that receiving treatments every three to six months on a long-term basis are optimal for continuing to stimulate the growth factors and stem cells that are associated with regrowth and stopping hair fallout.


PRP treatments range in price from $750 to $1,000 per session depending on location. While this isn’t necessarily an easy or quick fix, they are a medically and scientifically backed option for those struggling to find hair-loss solutions.

After 1 treatment
Before After
Individual results may vary

Common Questions

How many PRP treatments will I need?

Each patient will be different however treatments are typically performed once a month for the first three to four months, then every three to six months after.

How long does each treatment take?

Each treatment lasts less than an hour.

Am I a good candidate for PRP?

PRP therapy can be used on both males and females suffering from hair loss. However treatment is optimal in the early stages of hair loss. PRP is ideal for patients with androgenic alopecia, which is genetically determined type of hair thinning which typically occurs along the top of the head. In women, this might look like a widening part with normal hair thickness at the back of the head.

Is it okay to use other hair treatments with PRP therapy?

Yes. PRP therapy can be used with other types of hair restoration treatments.

How much does PRP treatments cost?

The cost of PRP treatments depends on the location of the hair loss and the number of treatments needed to attain patient satisfaction. We will meet with you to properly assess your hair loss and customize a plan for you.

What is recovery like after a PRP hair rejuvenation treatment? When can I wash my hair?

Your scalp may be red and tender after treatment with slight bleeding at the site of the injection. However there is no restriction on the activity that you can do. You may shower and wash your hair as early as the next the morning.


Wentworth Calgary Location
873 85th Street SW, #6201 Calgary, AB T3H 0J5
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